Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Mazel Tov!

I've written about my juggler friend, Yaakov, who I introduced to a woman I met. Well, last night was their wedding and it was a blast.

There was a nice contingent of jugglers (including a couple who I had never met before). There was some 40 minutes of juggling with some dozen or more performers taking turns showing off.

I was nervous what to do since Yaakov has seen my show dozens of times (and Leah recently saw my full 45 minute show, too). So, the day before I decided to perform something that I had kind of worked on before but never really thought of performing since it's too similar to other things I already do. But as a one-time thing, it seemed appropriate.

I did 3 beanbags and a big inflatable ball with occasional headbounces - mostly 534 with the 5 bounced and going into solid headbounces (without juggling) and back to juggle all 4. I also did 4 bags with the big ball and I would switch from cascading all 5 to head bouncing and then return to juggling all 5 objects. It didn't go as smooth as in practice, but it was nice. The intro had some humor that went over well.

I was also pulled onstage to do a knife runaround with someone who I know does the runaround with a wrong rhythm so we ended up just doing a couple side styles and got through without any drops even though I was very nervous about this spontaneous appearance.

Not only did I know the jugglers, but I knew quite a few people that Yaakov works with. Also, I once worked with a relative of Yaakov who I hadn't seen for some 8 years. My electrician was also there which was a surprise.

The whole evening was really a lot of fun. I wish them a wonderful marriage full of love and happiness.


At March 29, 2006 11:45 AM, Blogger Leah Goodman said...

We didn't invite any electricians, as far as I know... must've been a crasher ;)

Anyway, thanks for blogging about our wedding... you forgot to mention that while I didn't acheive my goal of juggling clubs at the wedding, I did 1. juggle cows, and 2. pass with the groom...

So far there's only one picture up on the blog, b/c we're tired.

Y might be running a fever too :(

all the best,

At March 31, 2006 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mazal tov....

Are they gonna sell a video ? ;-)

How rare is a wedding of jugglers ? Jewish jugglers ? I would guess that either is quite rare.


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